Bellevue Badminton Club produces the most National Champions in the Pacific Northwest

  • Commitment to the program by fulfilling all requirements below:
  • Must play tournaments (USAB Sanctioned).
  • Train 3x/week (Full registration).
  • Must play Junior Ladders.
  • Must play our Jamborees (when available).
  • Training is geared more towards competitions/tournaments.
  • Training is more intense.
  • Attitude in training is monitored to keep the training quality high.

Pictured: William Hu – USA Junior National Champion
Photo credit: Chris Do




Fun physical activity for kids of all ages!

  • Group lessons are geared towards improving skills to play games at a higher level
  • Emphasis on fun and learning to love the sport of badminton
  • Highly recommended to play Junior Ladders
  • Highly recommended to play our Jamborees (when available)
  • If student wants to become more competitive, they can choose to join competitive training as long as the student fulfills the requirements needed and join the equivalent level of competitive training.